The Foundation
The Foundation at Highland Park Presbyterian Church encourages and builds a culture of philanthropy to glorify God and shall encourage the making of gifts and bequests which will be invested to provide income to the special projects of the Church which are outside the normal operating budget and to support other Foundation approved Christian organizations and causes.
The Foundation Board of Trustees
These individuals are honored to serve and are grateful for the kind generosity of our donors.
D’Ann Moore, Chairman
Kent Krause, Vice-Chairman
Marshall Merritt, Treasurer
Karl Rathjen, Secretary
Tom Pearson, Gift Administration Chair
Jay Lee, Executive Pastor, HP Pres
Rob Adair, Champions Council Chair
Martha Lou Beaird
Schuyler Marshall
Susanna Ogden
Mary Taylor
Pete Townsend
Texas Presbyterian Foundation
Founded in 1925, Texas Presbyterian Foundation (TPF) is a financial services agency that provides The Foundation at Highland Park Presbyterian Church with investment and administrative services. This partnership includes the processing of online credit card donations on our behalf.